Ninedot LLC
225 Dyer Street
Providence, RI 02902
Ninedot LLC
225 Dyer Street
Providence, RI 02902
Flyer FT engaged Ninedot to migrate an outdated CRM system and create a cohesive and more fluid digital marketing approach to engaging their customers and sales prospects. Our solution, HubSpot of course.
Migrating a decade old CRM system is never an easy task. Ninedot was challenged to clean up the CRM and migrate to HubSpot's robust CRM and Marketing Hub. Ninedot was also charged with creating a cohesive inbound marketing assets to be used to better align sales and marketing teams.
An extensive migration and creative plan was developed to set a strong foundation for Flyer FT to grow and properly market to potential prospects and customers. Ninedot's creative team designed a fluid set of HubSpot assets while maintaining a clear vision informed by analytics and UI/UX heat mapping to better the customers experience through all marketing touch points.
User Driven Experience
With a new CRM comes new opportunities at both the mirco and macro level. Tracking a prospect from the inception of a journey through the closing of a sale (and beyond) has given insight into behaviors and trends across individual users, while tracking open rates, bounce rates and overall engagement has given us insight at a larger scale. We continue to see growth as we implement insight-driven changes to optimize the website, marketing assets, CRM management and overall marketing plan.
Refined user journey through the website with a navigation and content "refresh"
Increased nurture capabilities across marketing and sales teams with HubSpot
Implemented a more cohesive brand across website and all marketing touchpoints
Easy Navigation
Responsive Design
UI/UX Creative Modules
Not sure where to start? Let us guide you through a free audit of your website. Schedule a time that works for you and we’ll tackle it together.
Ninedot 225 Dyer Street
Providence, RI 02903
© 2021 Ninedot, LLC